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Ambassador Program

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The Miss Auburn Ambassador Program is for 5th-7th grade girls. This program was created to provide leadership training for young girls and to prepare them with the skills necessary to move into Miss Auburn’s Teen Program.


The Ambassador Program's objectives center on the four points of the crown: Style, Service, Scholarship and Success. Ambassadors will learn how to serve their community by participating in a community service project together; gain experience in how the Miss Auburn Program provides training and scholarships; gain skills in interview practice; learn how to carry themselves with poise and confidence; and learn what style of clothing is appropriate for professional and public settings. They will also learn to present 



The Ambassador Program provides:​

The opportunity to participate/assist in events with the Auburn Emerald's.

Participation in most of the events and rehearsals of the Teen and Miss contestants.

It will give them a snapshot view of how the program is run and the level of commitment needed.

They will be able to participate in the interview training process for the Teen and Miss Contestants (learning how to speak in front of others).

They will develop their confidence as a young woman (serving in leadership roles during their time with this program).

They will get the opportunity to present themselves on-stage.


Applications for the 2025 season are now closed.


For more information email us using the link below:​

themselves in public and have the opportunity to participate in community events and working as leaders with the Sparkles. This program also teaches them a level of commitment that will be required, should they decide to participate as either a Teen or Miss contestant in the future.

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